The Journey

Feb 21, 2013

Am I back?

I don't even know where to start... do I even remember how to blog?!
What font did I use?

Yeh, it's been awhile. I know I can look and find the date of my last post, but I don't want to.

I have good reasons, though...

As 2012 dawned, "just call me braxton" had become my new dimension of crafting. Crafting has always evolved for me, and blogging was a great, next step. I wanted to show others how to sew and craft...I had learned from others and wanted to pass on the knowledge.

At the time, I had a small shop, I mostly sold my inventory at local craft sales, but I had a few things online. After a local sale in March, I looked at the table and decided to go home and put it all online. And I did. My shop went from having less than ten items to over forty in a day.

Beginning April 12, 2012, I had an order or sold an item for a month and a half. It was amazing and such a blessing! I made more money in a month than I had made the entire previous year.

Since that day, I've been sewing over two hours almost every day. Keeping up with orders and keeping my inventory up on etsy has occupied my time. Blogging fell to the wayside. There's always something to sew...and then when I think about blogging, I can't seem to remember all the bits and do I make a link to the tutorial page again?

I might be back- there are tutorials I would love to post. Peasant dresses, car seat canopies, little boy ties...but it's not like there aren't a million out there! I learned to sew from blogs- great blogs- and they are still out there. Maybe I'll join the ranks one day.

I think I'll stick with etsy for this season, though.

By the way, wanna check out what I make? Here's the shop:
(ha! I remembered how to make a link! Yes!)

To Him be the glory,